Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Catalina State Park -Tucson Arizona

Tuesday November 16th 2010

Last night Liz was talking with a couple while doing laundry.  Yes Liz talks to everyone.  The couple was telling her about their life and told her that we have made the right decision to travel while we still can.  Their life started out east and now they reside near Silver City NM, they were full time RVers now they only camp for a month at a time.  This couple was very encouraging as they retired at 55 and are now 75.  They are living life to the fullest.   Liz was given a good luck gift, a crocheted Mexican Chile.

What a wonderful day to travel, the sun is out and some wind but nothing like yesterday.  Lots of motor homes and fifth wheels traveling today.  Guess everyone is heading out to get situated for the holiday weekend.  Not sure where we will be for Thanksgiving.  Sort of feels weird when thinking about Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  This will be the first year in about ten years that we will not be joining the shopping frenzy.  But one never knows.

Driving through Arizona is really beautiful.  Lots of rocks, mountains and foothills.  Really enjoying the scenery.

Liz has finally admitted that the Ipad has really been helpful.  Directions, maps, and navigation has been terrific.  Sure has made getting around easy!  No arguments surrounding the how do I get there?  Which way to turn etc.

We traveled to Tuscon Arizona.  We are at "Catalina State Park".  What a beautiful location.  Surrounded by mountains.  Totally unbelievable!!  Lots of hiking trails.  Can hardly wait to venture out tomorrow.  Camp host (Robert) stopped down to say hello while he was still working.  They are from Ely MN they will be the hosts for seven months.  Robert was off to the store on his bicycle to pick up a box of wine for dinner.  A person has to utilize whatever mode of transportation they can to get to the liquor store.

November 17th thru November 21st

It has been a few days since we have posted anything.  Catalina State Park has been terrific stay.  We spent lots of time hiking and bike riding.  Dubbie has been a trooper while hiking as long as we hiked he kept up with us.  Weather was terrific - sunny and warm.  The last two days the wind picked up.  Sure glad we were not out on the roads.  Life here felt just like being home.  The camp hosts Bob and Laurie, stopped over on Thursday to see if we wanted to join them Friday night for happy hour.  As you can imagine our answer was yes.  What a great evening, talking and playing dominoes.

Saturday we hiked about 15 miles.  We took so many pictures it is really hard to decide what to post.  At one point on the trail, Karol jumped.  She heard the rattler on a rattlesnake.  Boy were we tired.  Laurie stopped by and asked if we wanted to join them for a potluck and campfire on Sunday night for the full moon.  You are right, we said that we would love to join them.

Sunday led to a much quieter day.  We went for a ride to go to the grocery shop.  Karol was what they call "Scubby Dooed".  What is that?  She came out of the stored, I asked her if she had bought the light bulbs? Yes was the answer, but she did not have that bag she had all of the other ones.  Back inside she went. Checked with the cashier, no bag.  Off to customer service, video surveillance was reviewed.  The guy behind her in line took her last bag.  Cops were called etc.  Store sent Karol off to go and pick up the items. Back to the campground for the pot luck and campfire.  What a great evening!  Met quite a few people, camp hosts mainly.  Sure are a lot of people from MN here.

Monday November 22nd 2010

On the road again.  Only today we are off to the park where we are staying for the winter.  Weather is supposed to get cold so we decided to head to Gold Canyon Arizona.  Drive was beautiful and of course there was wind.  We met up with Karol's folks.  Plan was to have them take the trailer until we got set up in the park.  We have met another family from MN, Chuck, Susan and Candi (another yorkie).  So far everyone in this park seem very friendly.  While we were getting the trailer positioned the couple from MN invited us to watch the sunset and enjoy a glass of wine or whatever is our beverage of choice.  Karol's mom was grinning from ear to ear.  And we were told to behave ourselves!  We think she was shocked.  All in all a great day!    

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