Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Frankston and Tyler Texas

November 5th 2010

Heading to Tyler Texas today.  Roads are back to what is comfortable for both Karol and Liz.  Winds is blowing again, it seems like what they say "Its always windy in Texas" is true.  We drove about 4 hours today.  Decided to stay at a campground called "Lake Palestine" in Frankston Texas.  It was a very uneventful day.

Helpful tip of the day:  In order to keep your camper/motorhome warm it helps if you close all of the windows prior to going to bed.  LOL

November 6th 2010

We thought we left the cold, last night it got down to about 37 degrees.  Sun is shining and getting warm.  Went for a ride today, no wind only sun.  The country side reminds us of Minnesota, green with lots of trees and hills.  We found a drive thru liquor store today. A person has two options drive in, they deliver or park and go inside.  Really neat, tried to take a picture but as luck would have it the camera decided to act up. Sure hope we see another one.

Learned today that Lake Palestine is a man made lake.  It is really amazing based on the size.  Lake is about 2 feet low.  As you look out onto the lake you see the trees stumps. Looks like trying to navigate would be really difficult.

November 7th 2010

Last day here in Frankston Texas.  Took off on the motorcycle again today.  We went south out of the campground, made a big loop.  We still are amazed on the size of this lake.  At one point you could see where there used to be a road, this road is now out in the lake.  This lake is known for bass fishing.  All of the boats that we have seen are really nice boats they must really know their way around.  Heading to Waco Texas tomorrow for a few days.
After a long day of riding, Karol and Dubbie decided to relax
What a perfect way to end a great day! 

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