Friday, November 12, 2010

Ballinger, Texas & Whites City, New Mexico

November 11th 2010

Started out heading towards Ballinger Texas.  Sky has a haze/fog and a bit humid, looks like it could rain but according to the weatherman the sun is suppose to come out and get warmer.  We will see if the weather man will get it right.  Still windy in Texas, Karol is fighting a cross wind from the south.  Looking at how the trees are growing, the wind must always come out of the gulf.  It almost feels like we are traveling through Iowa, terrain is flat and there are lots of fields.  Terrain has changed back to hills and ranches. We are starting to see oil wells along the road.  Feels like we are getting into more of the desert area, we are starting to see cactus along the road.  Weather man is right the sun has come out.

Today can be chalked up as the most interesting.  Our plans were to stay at a city park. Needless to say, not what we expected.  We would have been parking what looked like a field.  Talked to a local, she suggested that we head out and park at Ballinger Municipal Lake Campground.  She told us that it was just like camping at an army corp of engineering campground.  So we followed her directions.  What an adventure!!!  Dirt roads, nothing marked as far as which way to go..right or left at the T.  Yes we picked the wrong way.  Well we finally located the campground.  No one here except the care taker and us.  Everything got dusty..we rinsed the motorhome off since we just got done washing it the other day.    

Only a minor view of the dirt roads

4  Wheeling with a 40ft motorhome

After all of the fresh air and walking yesterday, Dubbie is very content just sitting in Liz's lap.  He is becoming a hog, Dubbie wants the whole navigator seat, Liz is not giving in.  Dubbie needs to learn to share.  We keep waving at motorhomes and fifth wheel vehicles, it seems as though those in motorhomes wave back and fifth wheelers do not.  Maybe it is because they cannot see us, the drivers are lower to the ground as opposed to those driving motorhomes.  Sounds good and makes sense to us.

Day ended with another beautiful sunset.

November 12th 2010

Off and traveling early today.  Plans are to travel about 300 miles today, end goal is Whites City New Mexico.  Sure hope the weather is in our favor, sounds like we might be in for some rain.  Here's to hoping the weather men are wrong.
Ballinger Municipal Lake Campground

The Municipal City Lake Campground turned out to be okay.  The only thing that was weird was how dark it really was outside.  Campground had no lights, we could really see the stars.
No it is not snow, it is cotton

Oil well in the middle of a cotton field

It almost seems like were are in MN, all you see is white, no it is not snow it is the cotton fields.  Looks like we have driven out of the possibility of rain, but we still have the wind to contend with.  Sun is shining, blue skies everywhere you look.

We made it, goal has been achieved.  We are settled in.  Campground sits right outside the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns National Park.  While talking with the camp hosts they mentioned to walk by the section for those camping with tents.  They told us that they feed the deer, sure enough there were about ten or so.  The deer here are not brown in color like they are at home.  The deer are actually grey in color, this way they blend in with the terrain here. 

Tomorrow we are going to explore the caverns. 

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