Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hikes, Sunsets, Full Moon, and even Rainbows

We are continuing to hike with the hiking club and the sunsets are still beautiful.  Since we have had visitors we have gone on the following hikes: 

Wind Cave Hike - Usery Park
This was a windy hike that continued to climb.  The higher a person climbed the winder it got.  Good thing we had our gloves with.

Inside the cave

Whitford Trail
This was a new hike for the club, very simple but lots of red rock to be seen.  A very nice hike that takes a person thru a canyon.

Baby Cactus

Karol, Liz and Nicolle

Tonto - Indian Ruins
These ruins were built around 1250 AD by the Tonto Basin people.  These ruins protected them from the elements.  Our hiking club was very fortunate to receive a guided tour to the upper dwellings.  The national park only does tours 3 days a week.

Wild Cucumber Plant

Teddy Bear Cactus - Cholla
Also know as a Jumper - jumps are related to static electricity

Pink Mountains and Sunsets

Full Moon

Rainbow in Arizona
While the weather as cooled down a bit and we have received some much needed rain.  And after the rain we were able to see our first rainbow in the sky. 

We followed the rainbow to see the pot of gold.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and what absolutely stunning sunsets. God's in His glory and all's right in the world!!! Reminds me of the same type of sunset I saw in Door Co. years ago -- just breath-taking!!!
