Monday, December 13, 2010

Neighborhood Pot Luck and Sunset

Saturday December 11th we attended our first neighborhood pot luck.  There was a total of approximately 24 attendees.  Here are a few pictures:

Diane, Christy and Karol
Chet -  our chef
Christy, Joy and Jane

Sue and Joy

The ladies of the neighborhood
Chuck, Candi, Karol and Dubbie

Dinner is served
A person could not have asked for a better day.  The weather was perfect and the evening was topped off with a perfect sunset.

Hidden Valley Loop - South Mountain

Friday (December 10th) we were off to South Mountain.  Travel time is about an hour depending upon traffic from our park. We hiked what is called "Hidden Valley Loop".  Along the hike we went through Fatman's Pass and a natural tunnel. Hike is a total of 4.6 miles which we think was a bit off.  Group took a wrong turn, which ended up in our favor.  We hiked along a ridge and were given a panoramic view of the city of Phoenix and Casa Grand.  A person could see for miles.  As we neared the end of the ridge, we saw the trail that we were suppose to be on.  So we had to bushwhack our way down the trail. 

Karol heading into Fatman's Pass
Fatman's Pass

Slippery footing, had to slide on our back ends

Karol at the start of the Natural Tunnel
This was a very relaxing hike.  The easiest that we have been on so far.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Boulder Canyon Trail to Overlook

Wednesday December 8th 2010

Today we hiked "Boulder Canyon Trail to Overlook".  According to the database that we were given, the length was 5 miles, moderate to difficult and we hiked an evaluation of 1000 feet.  We were told that the worst part of the hike was the beginning.  We tend to disagree, the beginning was straight up and then it would level out and we would climb again.  There were thoughts in our mind to stop and head back down, but we did not.  We kept saying "Let's see what is around this curve", needless to say we kept going.  We are so glad as the end result was breath taking.  Today we saw "Weavers Needle" from a different angle.  As you looked the other direction, you saw "Canyon Lake".

After a brief rest and lunch we started back down.  We thought the trip back down was going to be easier since the trip up was difficult.  Not true, Liz slipped and landed on her behind.  What a tough broad no injuries.  We saw a tarantula.  The tarantula must of known that everyone wanted to take pictures, it just sat there so everyone could take a look and take pictures.  The rest of the trip was straight down.  We were the last group down today, Karol took on the role of the guide.  She did a great job, we made it to the bottom without any other issues.

Temperature today was about 80 degrees.  It was a good thing that there was some wind while we were hiking otherwise it would have been really hot.

Another terrific day was had!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Canyon Lake and Tortilla Flats

We took the motorcycle up Hwy. 88 to Canyon Lake and Torilla Flats.  We decided that Dubbie needed a ride on the motorcycle.  He just loves to ride.  Karol drove the motorcycle up to Tortilla Flats and we drove until the pavement stops and the road turns to gravel and then we turned around and then Liz drove us back down the mountains.  It is a very curvy road and you have to pay attention to what you are doing.  We stopped at the lake and took some pictures and also stopped at some pull offs.  The weather was in the high 70's again and you couldn't ask for nicer weather for riding.  Check out some of the pictures.

After getting back from our motorcycle ride we had a cocktail and watched another amazing sunset.  See for yourself....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Arizona Skydivers

Saturday December 4th 2010

Today the folks came by and picked us up and we rode our motorcycles down to watch the skydivers.  They have a skydiving school down by Florence.  We rode by a bunch of cotton fields and a couple of cotton gins.  Dad has taken a tour of the cotton gin and said it was very interesting so that might be something we might have to check into.  We saw some cotton pickers out picking the fields but the camera was in the trunk so don't have any pictures of that stuff.  Dad was saying they take the pickers over the fields three times to get all the cotton off the plants. 

We did take some pictures of the skydivers and there were some jumps that had two divers on one parachute.  Had a good time watching and the cost to jump was $23 per jump if you were licensed.

Plane the skydivers jump from

Karol and her folks

Tandem Jumpers

Tandem Jumpers

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fremont Saddle Trail

Friday December 3rd 2010

Today we hiked what is called the "Fremont Saddle" trail.  What a hike, we hiked a total of 1500 feet in elevation and approximately 5 miles.  Length of time was at least 4 hours.  The trail had lots of switchbacks and lots of loose rock.  A person felt like you were never going to get to the top.  But when you did the sight was incredible.  You see what is called "Weaver's Needle". 

The saying we learned today is that in the evening when the mountains look pink it is time for a drink, so we will check it out tonight and see what time the mountains look pink.

The hiking club is really a great fit for us. 

Tomorrow Karol's folks are coming over and the four of us are going to take the motorcycles for a ride someplace.  The weather is suppose to be in the high 70's so it will be a great day for a ride around the mountains someplace.

The following pictures are from the hike to Fremont Saddle today!!!!  Enjoy

The goal was achieved which was to get to the top of the mountain in order to view Weaver's Needle which you can see in the background behind us.

We also took a break for some lunch before we started the trek back down.  A very well deserved rest!!!!

Water break with some of the other hikers from our park!!!
This hike was a moderate to difficult hike.  The rewards are awesome if you can handle the journey.  We had some people that had to turn back due to the difficulty of the hike.  Liz & Karol hung in there as you can see.  We are a couple of tough birds..........with sore feet that need to get rested up for next Wednesday's hike.  Are the mountains pink yet??????????????