Saturday, January 1, 2011

The year 2010 has come to an end

Just to catch you up on the past few weeks of our lives since it has been awhile since we have posted anything.

The last hike that we joined in on was Massacre Grounds.  Here are a few pictures from this hike.

Our neighborhood group went out to dinner to San Tan Flats.  What a great place!  Dinner was outside with a bonfire, desert was the best part.  We roasted marshmallows and had s'mores!  Almost felt like we were in Minnesota.

Mike and Christy

We have started to slow done and relax a bit more.  We took a break from hiking since Liz did something to her back.  She also took a break from carving, as sitting was a bit difficult.

We spent our first Christmas Holiday season in Arizona.  We can honestly say it was really different.  No snow or cold weather, just blue sky and warm weather.  We attended the park's Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet.  Walking to dinner with our friends in shorts and short sleeves which is where the weird comes in.  After dinner the day was spent enjoying the weather and seeing yet another beautiful sunset.  Christmas Day was spent with Karol's folks and her aunt.

We went riding with Karol's folks and the group that they ride with.  Total of eight bikes, small group this week, must be due to the holidays.  Rode up to Globe, the ride up was beautiful.  We plan to travel back so that we can enjoy the sights and take pictures.

New Years Eve has come and gone.  We decided to just to hang out, have dinner and chill.   Chilling consisted of having a few cocktails, dinner, movie and talking to those back home.

Happy New Year, may 2011 bring you everything you wish for!